Mata da Serreta Forest Recreation Reserve

Mata da Serreta Forest Recreation Reserve

Mata da Serreta Forest Recreation Reserve is located in the parish of Serreta, was the first place on the island to have infrastructures for the leisure of the population.

It is implanted in a forest mostly made up of eucalyptus, pines, arboreal ferns and metrosíderos, which provide a pleasant environment for the aroma of its essences.

It also has a children’s play area, bathroom and shelter.

It stands out the old fountain of worked stone, transferred to the place, coming from the parish of Posto Santo, where it was acquired to a private individual. This fountain was originally in the cloister of the former Graça Convent, in Angra do Heroísmo.

The place is much sought after, especially in September, when the parties of the parish of Serreta, where those who, in payment to promises made to Our Lady of Miracles, travel in pilgrimage to the church, stopping at the reserve to rest.

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