Bathing Area of ​​Fajã do Fisher

It is not protected inside a bay or by any port structure, but on a lava platform, known as Fajã do Fisher, which is around 3000 years old.

Although access to the sea is not the easiest, and the swell that can be felt is barely broken, it nevertheless became a popular bathing spot for people from neighboring parishes, who saw some privacy and proximity here.

Works carried out in recent years have provided this space with better conditions, improved accessibility and created solarium areas on levels, even close to the waterline.

A ramp access allows the descent of people with motor difficulties, to one of the lower platforms. There are many who come here, not for the practice of bathing, but to enjoy the beautiful view over the Ilhéus das Cabras, which is why access to the sea is done next to a small viewpoint.

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